Dahlia Dinner Plate – Labyrinth (gallon pot)


12 in stock


These are tender-perennials – so you do have to dig these tubers after the first frost and bring them inside. The beauty is that they will get larger and can be divided year after year – so very rewarding. I usually pack them in dry pine shavings and put them in the basement with the canna lily rhizomes.

My grandmother always grew these big giant dinner plate dahlias in front of her house. As a kid, they enthralled me with all those petals and colors. One of the most opulent of flowers!

Labyrinth is wonderful – with swirly petals of orangey magenta and pink and wisps of gold. Flowers are 6 to 7 inches wide!

They like full sun and well drained soil. A nearby fence or support would be great as these get 4 feet tall.

Some deer resistance and obviously great cut flowers!