Gumplant or Gumweed or Grindelia plant (3.25″ pot)


Grindelia integrifolia

6 in stock


Also known as Rosinweed
Hardy to Zones 6 to 10

Bushy herbaceous perennial to 3 feet tall. Native to the mountains and deserts of western North America. This plant thrives roadside, in sandy areas seasonally flooded, in grasslands on dry slopes, in waste places, rock garden, or regular garden soil outside the reach of sprinkler.

If we have a tough winter, gumweed will probably reseed. Full sun and well-drained, dryish soil is best.

Will form a nice, well-stemmed plant that first produces green cup like buds full of resin that give way to bright yellow flattened, quarter-sized flowers.

Traditionally used medicinally for asthma, and treating poison oak and ivy, and burns. The resin-filled buds can be chewed like gum… thus the name. It is also used by Native American use was for treating colds, coughs, nasal congestion, bronchial irritations, etc.