Mullein Plant


Mullein (Verbascum vulgaris) – A sentinel of the herb garden.


Mullein (Verbascum vulgaris)

A sentinel of the herb garden. Mullein is a wonderful herb that often will volunteer around the yard and in areas that were recently disturbed. It is a healer of land as well as healing medicinal herb. Mullein is easy to grow, and not picky about soil. Its big fuzzy leaves adds organic matter to the soil it is growing in.

Mullein is a biennial – forming a large fuzzy cabbage-like plant the first year, and sprouting up a large flower stalk with yellow flowers the following year. Flower stalks can be 5 feet or taller.

Leaves and Flowers are used in herbalism – I love their soothing qualities – for sore throats, urinary tract and digestive tract, and more!

All of our plants and seedlings are grown organically and are timed size-wise and transplanted for optional growth and production.

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Gallon Pot, Quart Pot, 3.25 Inch Pot