The spring of 2025 marks our Our 19th Annual Organic Plant & Seedling Sale! Cold weather spring plants are will be available for ordering starting March 1st!  

We have two ordering/pick up windows:

One for cool-weather loving plants; ordering starting  March 1st with pick ups starting Monday, April 21st 2025.

And a second window for warm-weather loving plants; ordering starts May 1st with pick ups starting May 14th 2025.

Buying Plants From Us - Here’s How It Works:

Visit our online shopping page and order your plants. You'll receive an email from us shortly afterwards asking you to choose a day and time slot for pick up. We will have your plants selected and packed into a box or tray for you to take home when you arrive.

We will have all cool weather loving (frost-hardy) plants up on the shopping page by March 1st. Pick Ups can be scheduled any day after Monday, April 21st 2025. Warm weather (frost-sensitive) plants will be up on the shop by May 1st, with pick ups starting Wednesday, May 14th 2025.

Our On-Line shop will be updated as the season progresses and plants can be ordered and pick up anytime throughout late Spring through Autumn, (You will notice that inventory and availability actively change throughout the season.) 

We also have some In-Person Shopping days scheduled for 2025!

In-Person Shopping Plant Sale Days

We will be doing more in-person shopping days in 2025! Below are some dates - more to be scheduled as the spring progresses (sign up for our newsletter for alerts!)

Saturday, April 26th 2025 - Our traditional "Allium & Brassica" Pre-Sale - from 10 am to 2 pm with our Organic Gardening Tips Forum from 1 -3 pm. All of our Cold weather plants will be avaialble for browsing and puchasing!

Saturday, May 17th and Sunday, May 18th 2025 from 9 am to 2 pm - Will be the official opening day of our Annual Big Plant Sale!

Then we will be open the week of May 19th through 23rd from 10 am to 1 pm. On Sunday, May 25, 2025, we are planning a couple Plant Sale Tours where I will guide groups around our sale giving tips and info....

We will be adding more days as well, so please sign up for our email newsletter to receive updates!

And please feel welcome to email us and make an appointment for shopping! We keep our schedule flexible to accommodate you!

Some Varieties Sell Out Faster Than Others

So order soon if you are looking for something very specific. I offer over a thousand species and varieties and sometimes only have a couple pots of certain plants. Also, some plants are hard to propagate, and I may not get as many good & strong young plants as I may have planned...

About Our Plants

All of our plants are grown using organic, sustainable, and biodynamic methods. And of course, have no GMOs. 

We have a very wide variety of heirloom vegetables and greens - particularly French and Italian.

And we love herbs - in spring, we offer about 500 varieties and/or species of culinary and medicinal herbs from popular types to things that are very rare and hard to find. Propagating and growing herbs are particular passions of ours here, and we love being able to offer such special plants. 

We also are dedicated to growing natives and pollinator-supporting plants and shrubs and even some seedling trees.

Berries are a great choice of a super healthy food with small space and time requirements. We have a variety of berry plants available each spring.

We hope you find what you want and get inspired to try some new things. Always let us know if there is something you are looking for - we are always thrilled to try growing something new!

Varieties Subject to Change!

Our shopping page will give you a good idea of what we are planning, but there are always new additions and nature has the last word here, so we may not have certain varieties or have very limited quantities, which may sell out early. We apologize if this happens and we try to have multiple options of very popular varieties.

Sorry, No Pets! 

Please note - we regret that we cannot accommodate pets at the farm. Even though you may know your dog is friendly and sweet, our poor chickens and other animals don't know that, and they get very scared when they see a dog they don't know. We pride ourselves in making sure our animals are living happy, peaceful lives, so please help make sure thes don't experience stress during our plant sale days. Thanks!

Custom Flat Growing

We now have the facilities to take on custom growing. If you need whole flats grown for you of a particular variety, let us know! Different flat sizes and quantities available. Prices depend on order parameters. Keep lead time in mind! NOTE that many perennials and herbs need to be started in fall for planting out in spring.  

One other thing to note: Our pots sometimes have more than 1 plant in them - especially the vegetables and greens.

We grow our seedlings in these pots instead of in small cell containers because it gives their roots more room to develop naturally. Many plants have root systems that, when they touch the plastic sides of a pot, a message is sent to the aerial parts of the plant to slow growth. This extra space in our pots also allows for a more naturally-styled and spaced root system. You then also have some extra time to get your plants planted.

Our plants are also sold in these pots because we do a transplanting stage. We start our seeds in small cells and then transplant them at the appropriate time for very best growth. 'Big Store' plants are seeded and grown out with synthetic fertilizer in the same little cells they were grown in. We do a very different process here!

We have put an appropriate number of seedlings into each pot for the amount of space. These seedlings can easily be slipped out of the pot and broken apart with their roots intact. [demo video to come.]

Timing Your Vegetable Garden Planting

Our Perennial Philosophy

We are obsessed with plants and particularly natives and herbs. We offer a huge range of diverse native plants as well as other non-native but pollinator and wildlife supporting plants, especially medicinal ones. Every year we add more diveristy to our collection!

These plants tend to like to grow in small groups, or stands, and they usually naturalize best and establish themselves stronger when planted in groups of three or more plants. We try to keep our pots sizes smaller to be able to sell our perennials for lower prices. We feel that this practice truly matches our whole philosophy - we use less material and spend less getting the plant material to you, so you can have more plant material to work with for an affordable price. Beyond that, the plants are healthier, and ready to get themselves established in their new locations. The showy large perennials being sold at most nurseries have to first recover from all the treatments they were exposed to to get them to have big blooms in pots at times good for marketing them. They then have to re-establish their natural timing before they can settle down to healthy, normal, natural growth.

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