Tree Herbalism Workshop
Now open for registration!
A 3-day workshop focusing on using trees as medicines. Trees are majestic and powerful plants - they could be seen as the old souls of the plant world. Brimming with amazing energy, trees offer healing that is intrinsically and beautifully distinct from other herbs.
We will be discussing the classic tree herbs as well as other locally growing trees that can be used medicinally. We will be exploring how to use them in traditional herbalism as well as from an energetic perspective. We'll also be exploring trees from the perspective of their ancient role and relationship with human beings.
Friday afternoons in 2025 - 1 pm to 3 pm
Day 1 - June 20th - Summer Solstice
Day 2 - August 1st - Midsummer
Day 3 - September 19th - Fall Equinox
Price is $258.00 - REGISTER HERE!