Eucalyptus – Rainbow (3.25″ pot)


Eucalyptus deglupta

Out of stock


2023 is the first year that I am trying the dramatic Rainbow Eucalyptus – I have never seen one in real life and almost think they are mythical… but I am excited to give them a try!

I grow a couple different eucalyptus in my greenhouse – they need warmth (zone 9) and sun and plenty of water although the soil must be well-drained. But they do grow well in pots and can be cut back to keep them from overgrowing the space. If you cut them close to the bottom, they coppice and get lots of scented leaves – I use them for all sorts of decorations throughout the house. And they produce enough foliage to distill essential oil as well. Eucalyptus grows fast – around 3 feet per season… so these won’t disappoint! If they dry out, the top will die back and the plant will grow up from the bottom.