Cauliflower – Fioretto 70 F1 Cauliflower Plant (3.25″ pot)


2 in stock


Fioretto 70 is a mini or sprouting Cauliflower similar to Song, creating side sprouts instead of a big head. Can be tricky to grow. This is for an experienced grower. 2021 is the first year we will be trying this variety but we are excited about it.

Fioretto 70 is called a Green-stem, Sweet-stem, or Loose-curd Cauliflower in Asia, where it is much more common. Think of this like a cauliflower version of Broccolini. The long stems are tender and make dipping easy although we have only eaten it raw, right off the plant.

Usually 2 seedlings per pot. All of our plants and seedlings are grown organically and are timed size-wise and transplanted for optional growth and production.