Lysimachia punctata ‘Alexander’ (quart pot)


Lysimachia punctata ‘Alexander’

3 in stock


Also called Yellow Looosestrife or Spotted Loosestrife – This is a great perennial. One of our favorites – 2 foot high spires of yellow flowers on attractive variegated foliage. Not at all as invasive and aggressive as other loosestrifes… Hardy and easy to grow in full and part sun. Can deal pretty well with wet soil, especially once it is established. Forms a nice stand.

I am hoping to get some good propagations of a non-variegated version of L. punctata for next year!
Lysimachia punctata is not native to North America, but supports a rather rare and unusual specialized native bee, Macropis nuda (sometimes called oil bees), which harvest an oil (as well as a pollen) from the flowers of the genus that their larvae depend upon.