These are 1 year old plants propagated from cuttings.
Chandler produces large, sweet berries – a perfect fresh eating berry. Cold hardy – berries ripen mid- to late-season – around July. Self-pollinating.
Adjusting your soil pH to around 4.5 – 5 is a good way to get your blueberries off to a strong start. We use Espoma Acidifier. You don’t have to though – after a couple years, the grouns under your blueberries will become more acidic.
Full sun to Light shade works best. Be cautious about using too much mulch as this can encourage vole damage.
It is best to have more than one variety of blueberry for ideal pollination. We like midseason blueberries as they are not as prone to SWD as berries that ripen later in the season. All of our blueberry varieties will flower around the same time so they can cross-pollinate.