Celery – Classic (3.25″ pot)


12 in stock


Celery. A dependable classic celery – using either “Tango” or “Amsterdam” varieties.

Celery is a bit tricky to grow. I usually grow it in containers that are submerged in a tray of water so that the plants always have plenty of water. If celery dries out, it can get tough and spicy-hot in flavor.

Several plants per pot. But I usually plant celery in clusters – I have found the most success with growing celery in large pots – so I plant the content of one 3.25″ pot into the center of a 3-5 gallon pot. I place the large pots in big trays that hold about  1-2 inches of water  and I keep them in part shade. Celery loves cooler weather and lots of moisture. If you let them dry out, they will get hollow woody stems… see pic of my celery tray …

All of our plants and seedlings are grown organically and are timed size-wise and transplanted for optional growth and production.