Cranesbill Geranium White (gallon pot)
Geranium sanguineum ‘Album’
Also known as Hardy Geranium
A new addition to one of our favorite groups of perennials – this one is pure white with darker foliage than the others we offer – really makes the white flowers pop!
White flowers have a pinkish cast.
Cranesbill geraniums are great for tough, dry areas, spreading into a nice ground cover in spots where other plants struggle. Very drought resistant. Likes full sun, but does ok in part sun too.
In fall, foliage turns red … really lovely in masse.
Zones 4-9; gets about 8-10 inches tall. Sprawls and Spreads and is easily divided and replanted. Blooms May through June.
Cranesbill geranium leaves make a wonderful essential oil and have a rich herbal history.