Echium pininana – Tree Echium (3.25″ pot)


Also called pine echium, giant viper’s-bugloss, or tower of jewels

4 in stock


This is another super cool echium, for which I have an obsession.

I could only find these seeds as mix of colors -so I am not sure if the seedling you get will be purple-blue, pink, or white. [To possibly identify each colour – very pale stems have white flowers. Darker stems have purple-blue flowers, Thinner leaf forms are Pink Fountain with pink flowers.] They are all pretty spectacular – gets 9-15 high.

Tender perennial – must be protected from frost, but do well in pots.

Bees of all sorts adore these plants.


Related to the hardy Viper’s Bugloss – you can see the family resemblance in the curled individual flowers…. Part of the Borage Family.