Feverfew – Sunny Balls Plant (3.25″ pot)


Tanecetum parthenium ‘Sunny Balls’

A wonderful cutflower as well as an insect magnet!

4 in stock



Upright, well-branched plants have long, strong stems that support abundant bright yellow, 1/2″ blooms. Easy to grow and harvest. Tender or short-lived perennial in Zones 5–9.

Although the abundant clusters of tiny daisy-like flowers of classic feverfew are big favorites of mine, I have seriously fallen in love with these other more ornamental, but really gorgeous and whimsical, feverfew varieties and species. These are truly Sunny Balls – double flowers in bright lemon yellow!

All of our plants and seedlings are grown organically and are timed size-wise and transplanted for optional growth and production.