
Perennial Greens Collection – Barbara’s Favorite – 5 plants

Original price was: $23.00.Current price is: $21.00.

Some available in 2024 – More coming in 2025!

1 in stock


In one corner of the raised beds on my back patio I have a set of perennial greens that I just love. They come up every spring – nice and early – just when I am craving green flavor.

By the end of summer, they fill out into beautiful lush mounds – each contrasting with the others.

This collection consists of 3.25″ pots of each of these perennial greens – mitsuba, salad burnet, good king henry, flat leafed chives, and french sorrel.

Mitsuba (Japanese parsley) – strong celery-parsley flavor

Salad burnet – cucumber flavor

Good king henry – mild spinach like

Flat leafed chives – onion flavor

French sorrel – lemony zing