Solomon’s Seal – Ruby Slippers (Gallon Pot)


Out of stock


Polygonatum odoratum ‘Ruby Slippers’

Solomon’s Seals are Shade-loving and Semi Shade-loving perennials – they are a great guild plants for a forest medicinal garden and fernery. I am currently collecting native and non-native species of Polygonatums and as they get established, I will start dividing them and potting them up for sale.

Ruby Slippers has bright red, upright and slightly arching stems that are pure red from base to tip. Solid deep green leaves have silvery undersides. The plants are produced in colonies and will spread in the garden. A solid hardy shade plant and a great compliment for ferns.

White flowers are produced in late spring below the stem, rather than on top. At the leaf axils, blue berries follow and are held on the plant until late fall.

Ruby Slippers is of Japanese origin.