Elecampane Root
For any bronchial issues, congestion, mucus or fluid around eyes and beak. 1/4 cup in about 8 cups of water. Bring to boil, partially cover and simmer or brew about 20 minutes. Cool and add into birds’ waterer. Can be once as a preventative on a wet cold day or at first sign of an issue. If birds are very lethargic and badly affected, keep this up for at least 4 days.
More on Elecampane and Poultry.
Goldenseal and Myrrh Herbal Anti-Microbial Ointment
Apply topically to any cuts, wounds, etc.

Garlic, Fresh Mustard Greens, and Cayenne Pepper
Make a great intestinal cleansing. I sue this mixture one or two times a year as a preventative against intestinal worms.
Cayenne Powder
About 1 cup can be added to a 50-pound bag of feed in order to keep rodents from eating the food.
Rescue Remedy Bach Flower Remedy
A couple drops in the beak or a dropped full in the waterer can make a huge difference in how well your birds do overcoming a stressful situation.

Clove Powder
To prevent lice and mites. I sprinkle about 1/4 cup into the fresh pine shavings of each nest box each time I clean them out. You can also sprinkle it on the perches.
For Chicks – Stinging Nettle
Stinging Nettle tea is a natural electrolyte mix. I mix the tea with a little honey and use that for watering my chicks. This is especially useful for chicks that have been shipped.

For Chicks – Slippery Elm Bark Powder
Really settles and protects the stomachs of young animals like chicks. It also balances and supports the intestinal community, feeding the good bacteria. If I had a group of chicks that seemed especially tired or stressed from shipping or some other issue, I would mix some Slippery Elm Bark Powder into some scrambled eggs as a soothing boost.
For Chicks – Chickweed and Lamb’s Quarters (Fat Hen)
These two weeds that are probably out in your yard are great nutritional sources for chicks and chickens. They are both full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.