Permaculture Design is basically ecological and sustainable design applying active observation of nature to the plan farms, households, various forms of food production, intentional communities, organizations, schools, and more. The point of designing using permaculture is to restore and regenerate and then sustain abundantly.
At Midsummer Farm, we feel that Permaculture can be succinctly defined as sustainable and artisanal living. Midsummer Farm has always used the words, sustainable and artisanal, as a tagline for our values even before we ever heard the word, permaculture. Once we discovered permaculture as a cultural entity, we loved it.
Permaculture is notoriously hard to clearly define as you always feel like you’re leaving something out of the definition. And indeed, Permaculture is a broad concept that encompasses life as a whole really…. But some of the main focuses are on things such as food production in conjunction with nature, working in all aspects of the landscape, and creating and designing spaces for humans to thrive without depleting natural resources.

We also like to think about Permaculture as a type or style of Homesteading – Homesteading in a beautiful way using nature as a guide in achieving sustainability, restoration, and abundance.
Permaculture is about sharing, not simply using or taking; this sharing applies to the land, to the garden, to other people. The set of Permaculture design principles helps guide people in integrating Permaculture into a small backyard, a vegetable garden, or into a whole forest, a college campus, or an entire country.

You may already practice many permaculture concepts; permaculture is common sense in many ways especially for people who are ethically minded, generous, and care about the environment and health. Permaculture is also one of those huge things that can actually save the world.
PDC’s are 72 hours in length and students who complete all 72 hours and a design project will receive an official Permaculture Design Certificate, which they can put on their resume, use for validation when starting a sustainable business, start a designing and consultation business, or put up on their wall inside the household they create using the now-classic permaculture design concepts.

Full-scale 72 Hour PDC (Permaculture Design Certification Course)
Now being offered annually at Midsummer Farm!

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